Tag: dream

#37 Critical hit [S4E5]

#37 Critical hit [S4E5]

The group compares Don Lafontaine and Campbell Lane’s voice over work on the show.

Story 1: House Of Shadows – A house sitter finds a strange video on the TV that seems to be coming from inside the house.

  • Everyone agrees this one was really creepy.
  • Tiffany feels it’s too trope’y.
  • They debate why the murder went to Europe.

Story 2: One Hand In The Till – A son desperate for money, gets a mysterious visit from his dad.

  • They agree there are too many Beyond Belief’y elements going on.
  • Jesse likes that it’s a fable of good vs. evil.
  • Kyle thinks maybe the dad just had a premonition.

Story 3: Teasdale’s Motor Car – A car enthusiast finally gets his dream car, but it comes with a catch…

  • Kyle thinks maybe the car was possessed.
  • Chris decides to go the opposite of what he’d usually vote
  • Mark thinks the writers just like to write car stories

Story 4: The Vision – A man tries to stop a bus, after having a vision of an accident.

  • Mark points out the writers probably just watched the movie Speed.
  • Most agree there are a ton of stories like this in the world.
  • They point out the unnecessary boss/secretary subplot.

Story 5: The Grave – A conspiring wife is tormented by guilt over her late husband.

  • Chris thinks maybe a ghost could kill grass.
  • Jesse doesn’t understand why the husband’s warning couldn’t have been more interesting.

Part 5 of our Ouija experience:

  • On this week’s episode, we interviewed modern sage Ian Sneed and asked: what are some tips and tricks for conducting a Oujia board night?

The story results are revealed.

  • To find out which stories are fact and which are fiction… you must listen to the podcast, or check out the full episode below or on Amazon Prime.